Legal Defense

The Courage Under Fire Legal Defense Fund provides support from attacks on the First Amendment and Constitutionally-protected speech, a precious right of U.S. citizenship.

As we have seen over the last several years, America First public servants are often targeted by the left, especially through aggressive “lawfare” tactics.

For example, as a result of their willingness to investigate extensive allegations of irregularities, fraud, and Constitutional violations surrounding the 2020 election, many America First patriots and public servants have faced an unprecedented level of assaults on their personal and professional lives through a weaponized, two-tiered justice system that seeks to crush legitimate political dissent and free speech of those seen as dissidents.

Do you need legal support? Get in touch.

Individuals under this coordinated lawfare assault include former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and former Assistant Attorney General Jeff Clark. While their costly legal battles are ongoing, many others are being targeted for their proximity to these efforts to expose 2020 election fraud and rigging.

That includes other former officials from the Trump White House, federal departments and agencies, as well as from the 2020 campaign and other political groups.

Many of these individuals lack the means to hire defense lawyers, consider someone in their 20s facing tens of thousands in pressing legal bills, and are therefore vulnerable to radical prosecutors seeking to make examples of them, hoping their prosecutions and possible bankruptcies will serve as a deterrent to future public service, or others who might join campaigns, criticize their governments, or engage in free speech.

Those conducting these baseless attacks are doing so to criminalize ordinary, Constitutionally protected advocacy and to take punitive actions against anyone that offers public criticism or speculation of those efforts. The legal process becomes the punishment, and the process is intended to ruin financially those ensnared in it and to serve to threaten and intimidate others from speaking out, voicing dissent, and from exercising their right to seek redress.

PPO is proud to stand up the Courage Under Fire Legal Defense Fund to serve as a hub for those requiring legal support against these underhanded, unAmerican attacks on the First Amendment and Constitutionally protected speech, a precious right of U.S. citizenship.

Donate to our vital cause.